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Patent Title
IP Chat
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How It Works

The chatbot is instructed to take your request and search our database for matching items based on the criteria you provide.

It reads our database in CSV format, with a column assigned for each datapoint for each Patent.

By default, the chatbot will search by the Title and Summary and return the items Slug and Title back to you.

To get the best results, specify both the datapoints you are searching for as well as the datapoints you want returned.

Available Data

This is the full list of available data points that you can request the chatbot to search, or return back to you for specific items:

  • Title
  • Slug
  • Summary
  • Author(s)
  • CAGR
  • University
  • Market Category
  • Availability
  • Organization
  • Patent Number
  • Tech Transfer Organization
  • Identification Number
  • TRL
  • Country
  • Status
  • Interested LPs
  • Disposition